
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that is usually found on the face, but can also appear on the neck shoulders and back or chest.
Acne is caused by pores becoming blocked due to excess sebum production, mixed with dead cells, causing either blackheads, or if infection sets in then this will present itself as a pimple or whitehead.
It is important to resist the urge to pick or touch the pimples excessively, as this can cause further inflammation, and the infection to spread or become further contaminated from the passing of debris from the fingers.

Acne is a common condition that affects mostly people in their teenage years and early twenties, but it is said that just under half of women in their 40’s may become prone to acne, largely as a result of hormonal changes.
Because acne is a very visual condition, it can impact on sufferers confidence and self esteem, but thankfully this condition can be effectively treated in a number of ways.
Treatments we offer include
- Facial Peels
- Microneedling
- Fire and Ice facials
- Deep cleansing and exfoliation of the affected area.
- Laser
- Dermalux
Additionally, we may recommend a skincare regime suitable for the extent of the condition.
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