So here at R&R Aesthetics we have got through 8 weeks of lockdown, and come out of the other side fit and well (albeit with huge roots and wrinkly foreheads!). We were braced for action, appointments booked and ready for the stampede to get our hair, nails and anti wrinkle treatments done, only to be told we have another 8 weeks to wait!! Say what??
By the time we reopen R&R Aesthetics, some of you will have gone over 6 months without any treatments, which will be a first for a few of you! So what can you do to keep those pesky wrinkles at bay, until we meet again?
Keep hydrated
We all know we should drink lots of water but many of us don’t drink anywhere near enough. Many of us are working from home right now, stuck inside, possibly with the heating on, on those chilly days, which will suck the moisture out of your skin! Aim for at least 2 litres of water a day, this will help to keep the skin plump, healthy and well hydrated.
Wear SPF
For those sunny days and the extra time spent outside, please always remember to apply, a quality, broad spectrum SPF. Damage from UV rays will age you quicker than anything else! SPF in your foundation or moisturiser isn’t enough! My favourite is Heliocare SPF 50 Water gel (£31, available in our Facebook shop) it disappears into the skin so it sits perfectly under make up and doesn’t irritate my eyes, which some other sunscreens do!
Crank up your skincare routine
Hands up who’s using a Vitamin C and a retinol everyday? Well done to those who are! For those who don’t, have a look at introducing a high quality Vitamin C serum and Retinol into your daily routine. You be astounded at the difference they can make to your skin. They both help to stimulate the production of collagen, which in turn helps to plump out the skin and reduce wrinkles! They fight free radicals, and also to help clear pigmentation! Retinol will also increase cell turnover, giving clearer, brighter skin with reduced pore size!
At R&R Aesthetics our favourite Vitamin C product is AlumierMD Everactive C&E which is a potent antioxidant serum which reduces the visible signs of ageing. The unique delivery system means that the 15% Vitamin C is only activated when you are ready to use it to ensure it stays fresh.
Our favourite Retinol is AlumierMD Retinol resurfacing serum, using gradual ‘time release technology’ to ensure the retinol is always active whilst being gentle on the skin. For more information on the AlumierMD range, please contact us for your code to access the AlumierMD website.
Whatever your situation or regime, please remember we are still here to give advice, either on the end of the phone or for virtual consultations. Please get in touch with any questions you have!
We can’t wait to be back in clinic, treating you all again soon, in the mean time, stay safe, and look after your face…….
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