Rhinoplasty is one of the most desired cosmetic procedures, but many patients are frightened by the potential complications and the risk of unfavourable cosmetic results. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a safe, non-invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty.
People who choose a non-surgical rhinoplasty may have a noticeable bump or kink in their nose while others might have an asymmetry they wish to be corrected.
Sometimes it is called the 15 minute nose job or liquid nose job as the treatment involves only dermal filler injections to reshape the nose. Non-surgical rhinoplasty could offer a better alternative than surgery for some patients (though it is important to be realistic about expectations). For the right patient, it is safer, faster and pain-free, compared with surgery, non-surgical rhinoplasty saves time, money, and pain. For most patients, there is essentially no downtime, and depending on the filler selected, the results generally last from 1-2 years.
Following the procedure you should see great results immediately, although swelling and bruising may leave you feeling a little tender for up to a week after.
Non surgical rhinoplasty should always be carried out by a Medical professional. Prices start at £350 Contact us today for your free consultation 07428586523
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