According to the most recent data, the dermal fillers market is one of the fastest-growing entities from around the world. In the U.S. alone, this market is worth a staggering $10 million each year, as people are increasingly inclined to favour non-intrusive treatments over surgical procedures.
For some, however, dermal fillers remain a relatively unknown treatment, and this gap in knowledge is undoubtedly preventing the global marketplace from realising its true potential.
In this article, we will explore dermal fillers in closer detail, while considering how they work and the benefits that they deliver to customers.
What are Dermal Fillers?
In many ways, there are numerous similarities between dermal fillers and Botox. After all, both are non-surgical cosmetic treatments that are designed to create smoother looking skin, while there are also impermanent solutions that are affordable and offer exceptional value for money.
Despite this, there are several subtle differences that distinguish dermal fillers as a cosmetic treatment. Unlike Botox, dermal fillers are produced from Hyaluronic Acid, which a substance that is found naturally in the body. This works in a different way to Botulinum Type A (the neuro toxin used in Botox injections), as it serves as a cushion to support the facial structures while filling out lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers and Hyaluronic Acid also counteract the ageing process, during which our tissue tends to lose volume and elasticity.
This immediately gives the skin a fresher and rejuvenated look, while it can also have an even greater impact when used over a prolonged period of time.
The Process and How Dermal Fillers Can Help you
We have already touched briefly on the dermal filler process, which involves Hyaluronic Acid being injected into one or more treatment areas. The substance immediately forms a cushion beneath the skin, adding volume while filling out any visible lines or wrinkles. Over the course of two to three days, you will begin to feel the elasticity return to your skin and notice that it is obviously smoother, while you may also begin to feel that your appearance is younger and far more rejuvenated.
The unique nature of dermal fillers offer an interesting proposition to potential customers, while their various nuances make them ideal for tackling a wide range of ageing concerns. Dermal fillers are particularly adept at tackling lines and folds, for example, as they fill these creases and create smoother skin. They are often used to treat the naso labial folds that run from the side of the nose to the mouth, while they are also effective when filling in the marionette lines that stretch from the sides of the moth to the chin. The latter can occasionally give the face an appearance of sadness, and this is one of the main applications for dermal fillers throughout the world.
Dermal fillers are also used extensively to add volume and shape to the lips, although this treatment can be used in various ways to achieve different objectives. By injecting into the main body of the lip, it is possible to add volume and fullness, particularly after several courses of treatment. Conversely, injecting Hyaluronic Acid into the vermillion border of the lips can create a sense of definition and width, so it is possible to achieve different looks through slightly different applications. The same principle also applies to cheek enhancement, with dermal fillers adding volume to the cheeks and resorting them to a fuller, higher and more youthful position.
A More Appealing Alternative to Surgery
Not only do dermal fillers use a substance that is found naturally in the body, but over time it can also leave your skin looking younger and rejuvenated. Dermal fillers also represent a quick and non-intrusive treatment, which makes them far preferable to cosmetic surgeries.
With this in mind, the benefits and appeal of dermal fillers should be clear for all to see. If you are considering this treatment and would like to know more about dermal fillers in Garforth or book a consultation, please contact today!
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