
Excessive sweating is a recognised term for the medical condition, Hyperhidrosis which commonly affects the underarms, but can also be apparent on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
Excessive sweating can be caused by a number of factors like overactive sweat glands, or can be related to anxiety, overactive thyroid glands, or nervousness. The effects of Hyperhidrosis are enhanced by caffeine and alcohol intake, and can be worse in those affected by polycystic ovaries or diabetes.
Excessive sweating is a common condition and can affect people of all ages or lifestyles. One of the most noticeable effects of this condition is wet patches around the underarms or affected areas, which can impact on the sufferers confidence, often going to extreme lengths to disguise the condition. Some people may apply antiperspirants several times per day with little to no effect, or may opt to wear black clothing if in social situations so the dampness is less obvious.
Thankfully, this condition is fully treatable where prescription strength antiperspirants fail, by the administration of Botulinum Toxin to reduce or eliminate sweating in the affected areas.
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